- Medical Services
- Dental Services
- Mental Health Services
- Prenatal & Obstetrics Services
- Telehealth Services
- Substance Use Disorder Treatment
- WIC Program
- CareNow
- Agricultural Worker Outreach Program
- Expanding, Enhancing Emotional Health (E3) Program
- School Based Health Center Program
- Reach Out and Read Program
Programs & Services
At InterCare, we are focused on providing comprehensive, high quality care for all in a safe, courteous environment where every team member treats you with respect and dignity and strives to provide you with an outstanding patient experience every time! InterCare offers a wide array of programs and services aimed at improving the overall health of the diverse communities within our service area.
We offer primary medical care including wellness and prevention services to keep you healthy; acute care for your immediate medical needs; and regular health maintenance and chronic disease management services to support your long-term well-being.
In addition to medical services, InterCare also offers dental services (cleanings and treatment), obstetrics, pediatrics, women’s health, and referrals for specialty services. InterCare now also offers some specialty services. This includes medical treatment for substance use orders (SUD) as well as counseling and outpatient addiction therapy. InterCare also offers both brief and long-term mental health counseling services at all of its locations as well as psychiatric evaluations and treatment. Our care is provided by health care professionals who work collaboratively to coordinate all aspects of your care.
Recognizing that individuals and families often struggle with other factors in their lives that affect their health, InterCare also has team members who can assist with arranging for transportation, following up on your hospital or emergency room visits, help you obtain health insurance coverage, or help you find other support services such as nutrition, housing, or other assistance.
InterCare strives to promote excellent communication between our patients and our health care teams. It is our goal to build trust and confidence and help our patients to become actively involved in managing their own health care needs. For more information about becoming an InterCare patient, please call (855)869-6900.