- Medical Services
- Dental Services
- Mental Health Services
- Prenatal & Obstetrics Services
- Telehealth Services
- Substance Use Disorder Treatment
- WIC Program
- CareNow
- Agricultural Worker Outreach Program
- Expanding, Enhancing Emotional Health (E3) Program
- School Based Health Center Program
- Reach Out and Read Program
Prenatal & Obstetrics Services
InterCare Community Health Network offers a full range of obstetrics and prenatal care at our Benton Harbor and Holland locations. InterCare recognizes each pregnancy is unique and works to ensure you receive quality care that meets your needs. InterCare has partnerships with local community hospitals to ensure access to convenient delivery locations.
As an OB patient, during your first visit, you will meet with providers on your InterCare team – a doctor, nurse, dentist, lab specialist and mental health specialist – as well as other team members who will be able to offer you information and support. Please bring a list of any medicine that you are taking. You will visit our office every four weeks during the first seven months of your pregnancy. Then you will visit every two weeks. Towards the end of your pregnancy, we will see you weekly. It is important to attend all scheduled appointments.
InterCare is pleased to be able to care for your pregnancy, delivery, postpartum, and family planning needs. For more information about obstetrics and prenatal care services or to schedule an appointment, please call (855) 869-6900.