- Medical Services
- Dental Services
- Mental Health Services
- Prenatal & Obstetrics Services
- Telehealth Services
- Substance Use Disorder Treatment
- WIC Program
- CareNow
- Agricultural Worker Outreach Program
- Expanding, Enhancing Emotional Health (E3) Program
- School Based Health Center Program
- Reach Out and Read Program
InterCare Community Health Network is pleased to provide walk-in CareNow service at our Benton Harbor location. CareNow does not replace the care provided by a primary care provider and is a convenient option when experiencing unexpected illness. Telehealth services are also now available for established InterCare patients. Upon receiving care and treatment through our CareNow service , InterCare will contact your primary care provider regarding your visit.
If you do not have a primary care provider, InterCare is currently accepting new patients and would happy to be your partner in monitoring and addressing your health concerns and providing you quality comprehensive care. For more information about becoming a new patients, please call (855) 869-6900.
CareNow service is located inside our Benton Harbor Health Center located at 800 M-139 Benton Harbor, MI 49022. No appointments are necessary. CareNow offers access high-quality care for non-life threatening health concerns. Our service is designed to treat common illnesses and injuries. We provide walk-in care for conditions such as:
• Allergies
• Bruises, Abrasions and Minor Cuts
• Cough and Sore Throat
• Dental Pain
• Earache and Infections
• Minor Burns
• Rashes
• Symptoms Of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
• Sprains And Strains
• Urinary Tract Infections
If you are experiencing a life-threatening condition or medical emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Examples of life-threatening conditions and medical emergencies include; broken bones, chest pain, major burns, head injuries, poisoning or suspected overdose, seizure or loss of consciousness, numbness or paralysis of face, arm or leg, uncontrollable bleeding, sudden slurred speech, visual changes or weakness, severe shortness of breath or inability to breathe. These types of health concerns can not be addressed through our CareNow service.